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Trail Life USA for Boys

Meets most Mondays  |  September to June  |  6:30 to 8:00pm

More than ever boys need a uniquely masculine program where their assertive, audacious, and adventurous nature is celebrated not sequestered. GBC formed WA Troop 9400 to help meet this need.

The Troop meets nearly every Monday from September to June, from 6:30-8:00 PM with several additional activities occurring throughout the year (campouts, hikes, service projects, & more!).


Boys from kindergarten to 12th grade are engaged in a Troop setting by male mentors where they are challenged to grow in character, understand their purpose, serve their community, and develop practical leadership skills to carry out the mission for which they were created.


Please call or e-mail us for more details! 

Pictures from the Year

What will you do as boys & parents at TLUSA? Take a look! :-)

Kent Knigge - Our Troop Leader

When Kent was a child he was in the Boy Scouts and worked his way up to Eagle Scout.  He enjoyed the camping, hiking, and skills we learned so he became an adult leader in the Boy Scouts. He was a Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, and Chaplain with the two troops he was involved in. In 2018 he found out about a Christ-centered outdoor adventure program. It is a boy-focused mentoring program called Trail Life. After he did some research he decided to start up Trail Life Troop 9400 at our church.  My emphasis is to let boys be boys while following biblical moral values.

TLUSA Program Costs, Troop WA-9400.PNG
Above you'll find how a boy advances in TLUSA,
followed by how much it costs to take part with us!
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